Superstar Shahrukh Khan and his leading lady Deepika Padukone is back in Rohit Shetty's movie Chennai Express. Deepika Padukone got the break in Farah Khan's Bollywood movie Om Shanti Om opposite Shahrukh Khan.In the poster, Shahrukh Khan is seen riding a bike trying to escape from the villains.
Chennai Express is an upcoming Bollywood action-romance movie directed by Rohit Shetty. First look of the poster is out today. Below are the images of Chennai Express Wallpapers. The duo are looking hot in the posters. Still the movie release dates are not out, but the movie is expected to complete till April, 2013. Sathyaraj and Manorama are doing important roles in the movie.
Chennai Express is an upcoming Bollywood action-romance movie directed by Rohit Shetty. First look of the poster is out today. Below are the images of Chennai Express Wallpapers. The duo are looking hot in the posters. Still the movie release dates are not out, but the movie is expected to complete till April, 2013. Sathyaraj and Manorama are doing important roles in the movie.