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ILADS LD Conference 2012 Boston: Ann Corson, MD - Pregnant and Pediatric Lyme Treatment - Part 1

The Treatment of TBD in the Pregnant and Pediatric Patient - Ann F. Corson, MD
She seems to be taking over for Dr. Charles Ray Jones


She stresses treating infants and children ASAP. Delaying treatment can risk permanent neurological and phsyical damage.

Dr. Corson stresses: If you don’t do something to reduce exposure to TBD – you might as well not come see an LLMD because one tick bite can put you completely back.

1.       The first few slides in her presentation are of Biofilms - Borrelia biofilms and Protomyxzoa Biofilms.
2.       Borrelia grows in biofilm
3.       Biofilms are everywhere
a.       Gastrointestinal tract – mouth to anus
b.      Sinuses – MARCoNS
c.       Respiratory epthelium
d.      Skin – chronic sores
e.      Synovial membranes, bone marrow, brain, any and all tissues
f.        Blood
TBD patient complexity
4.       Polymicrobial biofilms of all organ systems
5.       Gus dysbiosis
a.       Fungal dominance
b.      Parasites
6.       Systemic inflammation
a.       Need for immune modulated
7.       Hypercoagulability
a.       Need for fibrinolytics, SQ heparin
8.       Immune system dysfunction
a.       Anergy and/or confusion of gastrointestinal (GALT) and/or mucocutaneous (MALT) associated lymphoid tissue
                                                               i.      Th1/Th2 balance
b.      Allergic up regulation
                                                               i.      Environmental, food, MCS
c.       Autoimmunity
9.       Biotoxin illness – MOLD!
a.       Genetic predisposition
                                                               i.      Leptin and Pro-opiomelanocortin system disruption
b.      Do you smell musty smells in your house or work?
10.   Kryptopyrroluria/Hemopyrrolactamuria
a.       Supra-physiological loss of Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, B-6, and others
11.   Liver Detoxicication faults
a.       Genetic mutations, eg MTHFR
                                                               i.      Decreased methylation, BH4, increased ammonia, homocysteine, sulfation defects
b.      Aquired, eg gut dysbiosis, toxins, infections
12.   Mitochondrial dysfunction
a.       Infection, drug or nutritionally induced
13.   Toxic encumbered matrix
a.       Immune system debris such as Antigen:Antibodies complexes
b.      Heavy metals and other pollutants
14.   Polymicrobial biofilms of all organ systems
Bell’s Palsy Response
15.   Slide 16 shows 2 photos of a little boy. Photo on left shows a bell’s palsy. Photo on the right after treatment shows it resolved
Evaluation of TBD Patient
16.   History
a.       Family history
                                                               i.      Biological parents, siblings
1.       Mother – where did she grow up, what was her health like
2.       Father – same
3.       Grandparents - same
                                                             ii.      Family dynamics/nuclear family arrangements
1.       Divorce home
b.      Social history
                                                               i.      Nutritional habits
1.       What the mother thinks about food? How she shops? What she buys?
                                                             ii.      Mold in home, school, work environments, automobiles
                                                            iii.      EMFs in home, school, work environments
1.       Multiple cordless phones
2.       TV in bedroom
3.       Computer on in bedroom while sleeping
                                                           iv.      Pets, past (mother’s pets) and present
                                                             v.      Travel history
c.       Risk factors for TBD
                                                               i.      Domiciles
                                                             ii.      Travel
d.      Complete Medical History
                                                               i.      Detailed history from pre-conception to present
1.       Take your time
                                                             ii.      History of present illness
                                                            iii.      Review of symptoms – very detailed
e.      Trauma history (physical and emotional)
                                                               i.      Falls, head injuries, broken bones
1.       Even if through insignificant
                                                             ii.      Emotional traumas
f.        Surgical, dental, manipulative procedures (braces)
17.   Physical Examination
a.       Detailed
b.      Christine Green’s ILADS lecture
18.   Laboratory evaluation
a.       TBD labs
                                                               i.      IGENEX, Fry Labs, MDL, Advanced Lab Service, LabCorp CD57
b.      Medical work up – need to rule out any other medical issues
                                                               i.      CBC diff, CMP, UA
                                                             ii.      DetoxiGenomics (Genovations)
1.       Liver pathways
                                                            iii.      HLA typing LapCorp (biotoxin illness)
1.       Problems handling toxins
2.       Very important
                                                           iv.      Autoimmunity
                                                             v.      Hypercoagulability
1.       Very important
2.       Many protozoan infections cause hypercoagulability
c.       Hormonal evaluation
                                                               i.      Thyroid, adrenal, gonadal
d.      Food allergy assessment
                                                               i.      Leaky gut
                                                             ii.      Food allergies are not static – can change weekly
                                                            iii.      IgG vs ELISA Act
1.       ELISA Act is better
e.      Stool analysis – CDSA
f.        Heavy metal challenge
                                                               i.      She leaves metals alone until body is cleaned up enough that they can tolerate Heavy metal detox
g.       KPU/HPU testing
19.   Home, school, work analysis for mold toxins
a.       ERMI

Pregnancy – Management
20.   Maternal health and treatment
a.       Nutrition
                                                               i.      Off all processed foods
                                                             ii.      Organic Diet – limit sugars and grains
1.       Anti-inflammation diet
b.      Gut health
                                                               i.      Starts in mouth
1.       Teeth care, floss, non-toxic toothpaste
2.       No aggressive cleaning or amalgam work while pregnant or nursing
3.       You don’t want to immobilize any bad toxins while pregnant or nursing
                                                             ii.      Keep bowels moving
1.       Support liver/GB, probiotics
c.       Supplements
                                                               i.      MultiVitamin for pregnancy
1.       RX brands not always best – can be toxic
a.       Thorne prenatals
                                                             ii.      DHA – most important EFA
                                                            iii.      B-vitamins, folate
1.       Check MTHFR gene analysis
                                                           iv.      Trace minerals
                                                             v.      Mitochondrial resuscitation – fatigue in pregnancy
1.       Researched Nutritionals ATP Fuel
d.      Limit maternal toxic exposure
                                                               i.      Mold, other environmental toxins
                                                             ii.      Skin, hair, nail products
e.      Drainage and regulation medicines
                                                               i.      Pekana, Nutramedix, Energetix
f.        Antimicrobial treatment entire pregnancy
                                                               i.      Azithromycin 600 mg daily
                                                             ii.      Cell wall antibiotic
1.       Amoxicillin, cephalosporin (Ceftin, Omnicef)
g.       Safe in pregnancy: Penicillins, cephalosporins, azithromycin, atovaquone
h.      Not safe in pregnancy: quinolones, biaxin, tetracyclines, metronidazole, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
i.         Herbals in pregnancy
                                                               i.      Check with each individual company
                                                             ii.      Chrysanthemum – Vital Guard Supreme Supreme Nutrition
1.       Good for Lyme
21.   Breast Feeding
a.       Continue antimicrobial and supplements
b.      Continue to limit toxic exposures
c.       Treating mother can treat baby
Testing at Birth
22.   Cord Blood
a.       Advanced Labs Borrelia culture
                                                               i.      No point in doing antibodies for a baby. Do the culture.
b.      Fry Labs smears (both) and PCr FL1953
c.       Igenex PCRs for TBDs
d.      PCRs for other infectious organisms
                                                               i.      EBV, HHV-6, Parvo, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma
23.   Baby’s urine for Bb PCR
a.       First urine
24.   Foreskin (if circumcised) for Bb PCR
25.   Serologies not helpful
Initial Infant Evaluation
26.   History
a.       Labor and delivery
b.      Apgars, temperature and glucose control, jaundice, breast or bottle
c.       Immunizations
                                                               i.      Asks parents not to get HepB in hospital
                                                             ii.      If they decide to immunize – she asks them to wait until the baby is older and then to only do them 1 at a time.
d.      Feeding, sleeping, voiding, stool patterns
                                                               i.      Latch
                                                             ii.      Sleeping – does the baby sleep all the time? A newborn that sleeps long periods or all night is not healthy.
27.   Physical Examination
a.       Birth marks, cry, skin color and temp, muscle tone, skin infections (cradle cap, diaper rash), suck, grasp, hip click, red light reflex, defects
Subsequent Infant Evaluation
28.   Sequential examinations bimonthly
a.       She’s had positive babies that look very healthy and act healthy
29.   Follow baby’s urine for Bb PCR monthly for first 6-12 months
30.   Again, serologies not helpful until after about 6 months
31.   Follow for normal growth and development stages – best thing you can do for baby is keep mother healthy!
a.       Often have delays in certain types of developments
                                                               i.      Don’t crawl, just walk
                                                             ii.      Speech delay – don’t talk until older
                                                            iii.      Lacking in fine motor skills
                                                           iv.      Etc
Pediatric history taking
32.   Maternal health at time of conception and throughout pregnancy
33.   SVD versus C-section
a.       Coming through birth canal gives baby exposure to good and many bad pathogens
34.   Neonatal issues
a.       Elevated bilirubin, glucose and temperature regulation
b.      Traumas, illnesses in first 12 weeks of life
35.   First year of life – or from birth until walking
a.       Illness, injuries, surgeries
36.   Toddlerhood – from walking to starting school
a.       Illness, injuries, surgeries
37.   Elementary school
a.       Illness, injuries, surgeries
38.   Middle School
a.       Illness, injuries, surgeries
39.   High School
a.       Illness, injuries, surgeries
Autism Spectrum Disorder
40.   She had a slide with a 15 month old diagnosed with ASD. At 44 months, with treatment, his diagnosis of ASD was removed
Treatment caveats
41.   Treatment lasts as long as is necessary
a.       Until children are completely symptom free for several months
                                                               i.      2-4 months
b.      No recurrence of Lyme symptoms with concomitant illnesses or stresses
c.       Sickest children may need many months of any combination of: IV, IM and/or oral antibiotics, herbals and homeopathic therapies
d.      Children whose diagnosis and treatment are delayed may suffer permanent neurological and physical impairment
German Biological Medicine treatment Principles
42.   Restore vitality
a.       Rebuild vital heat and energy
43.   Restore health and function of matrix
a.       Clear toxicity, hypercoagulability, biofilms, infections, scars, restoring communication and fluidity throughout extracellular matric
44.   Restore metabolic function of
a.       Intestine, liver, kidney, bone marrow
45.   Restore regulatory function to
a.       Neuro-immune, neuro-endocrine and vascular systems
Treatment – Management
46.   Vaccinations
a.       Delay several months, one at a time
                                                               i.      Start closer to 4 months rather than 2 months
b.      Preservative free – single use vial
c.       Prevent reactions – treat for several weeks before vaccination
                                                               i.      Homeopathics (Thuja)
                                                             ii.      Phosphatidyl serine pre and post
d.      Vaccine Resources:
                                                               i.      National Vaccine Information Center:
                                                             ii.      http://www.cdc.gove/vaccines
                                                           iv.      Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website
TBD Treatment and Patient Responsibilities
47.   Tick avoidance
48.   Toxin avoidance in home, work, school, and automobile
a.       Chemicals are everywhere
                                                               i.      Household cleaners, personal care products of all kinds including toothpastes, soaps, shampoos, hair dyes, nail polish, lotions, cosmetics, cigarette smoking, alcohol, non organic and processed foods, water, air
49.   Clean air
a.       Purifiers
50.   Clean water
a.– water testing
                                                               i.      Deluxe test kits for city and well water
b.      Proper pH – 8.0 best
c.       Driking bottles
                                                               i.      HDPE, stainless steel of glass only
                                                             ii.      NO single-use PET or polycarbonate bottles
1.       Allows growth of biofilms and leach xenoestrogens
51.   Dietary compliance is of utmost importance
a.       Paleolithic olioantigenic principles
b.      Fully organic
c.       Grass fed meats, free range poultry, wild fish
d.      No processed food, No GMO, no HFCS
e.      Limit sugar to fresh fruit, no dried/frozen fruit
f.        Limit grains of all kinds
g.       Often need to avoid gluten, dairy
h.      Food allergies, common and shifting
                                                               i.      ELISA Act test most useful test
i.         GAPS diet – always start with Introduction Diet
j.        Gut health and repair of gut dysbiosis is of utmost importance and is responsibility of both health care professional and parent/patient alike
52.   Book: The Fat Swithc –
a.       NO HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup)
b.      No dried fruit
c.       Limit sugar to fresh fruit
d.      Fructose’s bad effects:
                                                               i.      Activates fat deposition
                                                             ii.      Insulin and leptin resistance
                                                            iii.      Blocks saiety signals
                                                           iv.      As addictive as narcotics
                                                             v.      Creates oxidative stress
53.   Antimicrobials
a.       Herbals, spagyric homeopathics, others
                                                               i.      Beyond balance, Supreme Nutrition, Nutramedix, BWFs, Pekana, Energetix
                                                             ii.      Allopathic antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics
                                                            iii.      Drainage medicines: liver/GB, lymph, kidney, etc
                                                           iv.      Supplement with at least:
1.       DHA essential fatty acids, MVI with trace minerals, activated B vitamins, magnesium (Epsom Salt baths)
54.   Herbal antimicrobials
a.       Borrelia sp.
                                                               i.      Bb-1 Beyond Balance
                                                             ii.      A-L complex BWF
                                                            iii.      Samento, Banderal, other Nutramedix
                                                           iv.      Vital Guard Supreme Supreme Nutrition
                                                             v.      Morinda Supreme (noni) Supreme Nutrition
b.      Babesia microti
                                                               i.      MC-Bab-1 Beyond Balance
                                                             ii.      A-Bab BWFs
                                                            iii.      Mora, Enula Nutramedix
c.       Babesia duncani
                                                               i.      MC-Bab-2 Beyond Balance
                                                             ii.      A-Bab BWF
d.      Protomyxzoa Rheumatica
                                                               i.      MC-Bab-2 Beyond Balance
                                                             ii.      A-Baba BWFs
                                                            iii.      Cumanda Nutramedix
                                                           iv.      Golden Thread Supreme Supreme Nutrition
e.      Bartonella sp
                                                               i.      MC-Bar-1, MC-IMN-R Beyond Balance
                                                             ii.      A-Bart BWF
                                                            iii.      Houtuynia, others Nutramedix
f.        Mycoplasma sp
                                                               i.      Melia Supreme Supreme Nutrition (neem)
g.       Viruses
                                                               i.      A-EB/H6, A-V BWFs
                                                             ii.      MC-IMN-V Beyond Balance
                                                            iii.      Echina-V Energetix
55.   Crianial Osteopathy
b.      William Sutherland, DO
c.       Primary Respiratory Mechanism, PRM
56.   Acupuncture
57.   EMF Reduction
58.   Toxic Heavy Metals
59.   Mold Biotoxins
a.       Richie Shoemaker, MD
b.      Accurate mold evaluations
c.       Remediation – beware – retest!
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